last updated: 21 June 2022

Q & A

The Hub International
and the easy town books

The Hub is an idea which emerged in the first book of the easy town book series and has since been further developed by the author Charlie Alice Raya.

You can find out more about the book series on the easy town books website.

The Hub website has been developed to introduce the Hub. You can find out more about the website here >

Payment options

You can pay via PayPal even if you are not registered with PayPal.

If you want to avoid third-party payments, you can pay directly via bank transfer >


All prices are the same internationally and include VAT. This means the author’s earnings differ from country to country while every reader pays the same worldwide.

If the VAT on you invoice is incorrect, please contact Easy Town Books.


Prices are determined by the word count, a top up for publishing and transaction fees, and a universal VAT. Hence the fancy numbers.

File format

The default file format is ePub.

If you have any trouble with reading the ePub file, or if you would prefer a pdf or another format, please send an email.

What is an ePub file?

EPub is the file format used by all e-book readers except Amazon’s Kindle.

On any Mac or IPhone, the ePub file will automatically open in Apple Books.

You can also read ePub files on Kobo Readers, Tolino e-book reader and the like.

There are numerous e-book readers available for PCs who can read the ePub file format.

Amazon & Co

Amazon doesn’t allow anyone to sell Kindle files outside of their platform. Since the author decided not to work with Amazon, the easy town books are not available for Kindle.

Presumably, it is not even allowed to give you permission to convert your e-book files into a Kindle file.

Why the hassle? Well, selling through Amazon would contradict everything the town experiment in the book series stands for. The same goes for Amazon’s sisters Google, Facebook, Apple and the like.

If you wonder about my decision not to work with Amazon, or if you think it’s a bit of an overreaction, then this report might give you an additional viewpoint:

Youtube — Warehouses, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

DRM & Security

Since anyone who wants to crack the DRM protection of an e-book can do so easily, the easy town books come without it. However, this is not an invitation to copy or distribute any easy town book. All easy town books are protected by copyright. Any violation will be prosecuted.

Besides, the easy town book series stands for none-exploitative business practices. This includes paying for products and services received.

Data Protection

Your data will be saved to comply with tax laws, which demand to store invoices for ten years. Other than that your data will only be used to complete the business transaction with you and to answer questions.
No data will be analysed, or given or sold to third parties.

Find out more in the privacy policy >

Any questions?

There is no question too trivial if it gives you a headache.

Get in touch: contact form.