The Hub

Rethinking the internet


There are several ways to deal with anger.

You can start punching and shouting.

You can become a cynic, finding your superiority in the knowledge that humans are too insignificant to give them a second thought.

You can decide to bite back by becoming a brainless profiteer.

Or you can sit yourself down and ask a few questions, like what makes me angry about the internet, and what would it take so I don’t get angry any more?

And here is a funny thing. I had several reasons to sit myself down for a rethink of the internet (one of them is the easy town story I write), but so far the result is that I get angrier about the internet — and faster — because now I have a pretty good idea what I want the internet to be like. And the only way out of that anger is to actually build the Hub, and be done with the tech giants.

Now you might say: What’s your anger to me? And why should we build something you want?

Well, my hope is that I am not the only person who is fed up with today’s internet, and since I love the Hub, I invite you to take a look at the ideas.



or download the Hub Tour >

photo specials

light dance story, link image

A light dance story

photo special – best viewed on desktop

rock medley, 2016/22 by Charlie Alice Raya

Rocks Medley

photo special – best viewed on desktop


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