
The website www.hub-international.org is an easy town projects website.
This website presents the ideas for the Hub, for Hub International, and for Hub Stations.

What are the easy town projects?
So far, the easy town projects are ideas which originated in the easy town books.

What are the easy town books?
The easy town books tell the story of a town project, and of the characters involved in planning, building and running it.

‘What I’d like to propose is to build a town from scratch and run it as an experiment. In the experiment, we would treat every aspect of life as a variable, as something we can put to the test, as something we can adjust until it makes more sense than our present systems. We would question every theory we know. We would question how we do business, how patients are treated, how the town is composed in terms of people, businesses, educational and cultural offers, or its layout. And we would try to find out whether we can’t do better if we use our imagination, and hang our complacency in the closet.’
© Charlie Alice Raya, book 1, beginning
Some of the ideas, which were developed for the story, are now presented as potential easy town projects.

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last updated: 13 September 2024